Posts for: #Tools

Replacing nvm with asdf to manage NodeJS versions

I’ve been using zsh with antigen as the package manager for years. Over time as I add more customizations, I noticed that my shell startup time has become slow. Sometimes, it would take more than 3 seconds to start up. I read few months (or a year) ago that nvm, a version manager for nodejs can cause this issue so I thought maybe it’s the right time I should try asdf.
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How to setup Jenkins with Docker

Here is an easy way to setup Jenkins with Docker Run the following commands in your terminal docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts docker run --detach --publish 8080:8080 --volume jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home --name jenkins jenkins/jenkins:lts docker exec jenkins cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword The above command will generate a password. Copy said password Open localhost:8080 and paste in the password Setup your user account and install suggested plugins. That’s it!
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How to fix Xcode: “Could Not Locate Device Support Files” error

There may be a time when you try to run your app in your device and you get the following error: Could not locate device support files. This iPhone (Model …) is running iOS 13.4 (11E608c), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. This issue usually happened when you are still developing your app using old version of Xcode but your device have already been upgraded to latest iOS version that is not supported by Xcode.
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How to connect to Google Cloud SQL with Cloud SQL Proxy

Cloud SQL Proxy is one of the ways to connect to your Cloud SQL instance. It’s useful if you want to securely connect to Cloud SQL from your local applications. Here are the steps to setup Cloud SQL Proxy on your local machines: 1. Download and Setup Cloud SQL Proxy (macOS) First of all you have to download it. I would recommend putting it at root (~/) folder. $~ cd ~/ $~ curl -o cloud_sql_proxy https://dl.
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How to use Xcode 11’s Swift Package Manager in your project

Similar like Cocoapods or Carthage, you can use Swift Package Manager to manage the dependencies in your Cocoa project. With the latest Xcode 11, there is now a native support for Swift Package Manager for you to use it directly in your project. Adding a new package To add a new package with Swift Package Manager is really easy. Go to the following Xcode’s menu: File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
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