Similar like Cocoapods or Carthage, you can use Swift Package Manager to manage the dependencies in your Cocoa project.
With the latest Xcode 11, there is now a native support for Swift Package Manager for you to use it directly in your project.
Adding a new package To add a new package with Swift Package Manager is really easy. Go to the following Xcode’s menu:
File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
dep is a dependency management tool for golang. If you have work on other programming languages, dep is similar to npm, pod or pip. In simple words, it is a package manager to manage your project’s third party libraries.
How to install it There’s a few ways to install dep. Personally, I prefer to install it with Homebrew To install it run:
$~ brew install dep Initializing a project with dep To initialize it in your go project, go to your project directory and run the following
To view the changes between your latest git pull
$~ git pull origin $~ git diff @{1}.. @{n} means the n-th previous value of HEAD. You can refer the official docs on reflog Shortnames for more.
p/s: I am currently trying to dissociate myself from becoming too dependent on SourceTree for daily git operations.