I made a thing! It’s an iOS app to remotely manage Gitlab runners. I wrote this app to solve one of the pain points that I frequently face back when I managed the CI/CD machine that hosted the Gitlab runners for my teams.

My coworkers would frequently ask me to check why their pipelines or runners were failing and so in a begrudging manner, I would VNC’d into the machine and checked them.



A screenshot of Runners app on the App Store


This app solved these problems by providing an easy access for me to:

  • Quickly check the runners status
  • Pause, resume, or delete a runner remotely

Oh! Did I mentioned that this is my first SwiftUI and paid app? SwiftUI is really fun to write but there are some weird bugs that Apple needs to fix still.

Anyway, it’s available now on the App Store for the price of US$1.99 or MYR 7.90.

Do check it out from the links below!

👉 Download it from the AppStore 👈