How to undo a git rebase

Given the following situation: You’re on feature/* branch and you have your latest changes already pushed to origin Now, you want to rebase your feature/* branch with the latest master You type in git rebase master from your feature/* branch You fix all conflicts and finish the rebase OH SHIT SOMETHING’S WRONG I NEED TO UNDO IT BUT HOW? Okay, take a deep breath and just calm down. Use the following to reset it to your latest origin.
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How to setup Jenkins with Docker

Here is an easy way to setup Jenkins with Docker Run the following commands in your terminal docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts docker run --detach --publish 8080:8080 --volume jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home --name jenkins jenkins/jenkins:lts docker exec jenkins cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword The above command will generate a password. Copy said password Open localhost:8080 and paste in the password Setup your user account and install suggested plugins. That’s it!
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What is the difference between Docker container and Docker image?

Today I learned the difference between image and container in Docker. An image is a template that can be used to create a container while container is the instances of said Docker images. The container is the one that runs your application. To explain it in cake term, image is the recipe of the cake and container is the cake itself. You can create multiple cakes based on the same recipe.
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How to Clone a Git Repository With Submodules

Today I learned how to git clone a repository that has git submodules inside of it. I realized that when I cloned a project it will clone the parent repo but the submodules will be empty. Here are the steps on how to clone it properly. If you haven’t cloned the repository yet, you can use --recurse-submodules option: $ git clone --recurse-submodules Otherwise, If you already cloned the project then you can use the following command.
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How to fix Xcode: “Could Not Locate Device Support Files” error

There may be a time when you try to run your app in your device and you get the following error: Could not locate device support files. This iPhone (Model …) is running iOS 13.4 (11E608c), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. This issue usually happened when you are still developing your app using old version of Xcode but your device have already been upgraded to latest iOS version that is not supported by Xcode.
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