@faizmokh's blog

Some Notes While Setting Up My New MacBook

I finally did it—I bought a MacBook! I've worked as a software engineer for almost nine years but never had my own personal machine. I have a very old MacBook Air, but that was different. It was kind of a gift. Still have it stored somewhere, but it's pretty much useless. I can't upgrade the macOS anymore and the battery requires servicing.

I always wanted to buy one, but I kept putting the idea aside because every company I worked for always provided one and based on my observations, most of my friends or colleagues who have both a personal and a company-provided MacBook rarely use theirs. I figured the same thing would happen if I bought one.

Anyway, my current company’s device policy is very strict (banking industry), which makes me feel anxious about using it for personal stuff, so I figured it’s probably a good time for me to get one. So here I am.

I jot down some of my thoughts while setting up my MacBook:

So far, it’s been a pleasant experience. I guess I still got the hedonistic pleasure from buying expensive things. I just hope that Apple won’t release the MacBook M4 Pro tonight.